
Are you thriving in life or simply surviving?

Senior woman watering flowers

Anyone can have a busy schedule, but how many of us can say we truly embrace all that life has to offer? Where is your zest, your inspiration for enjoying the life you want? Summer can be a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors, visit a farmer’s market, take a class, enjoy an evening of dancing, lay by the pool, and laugh with your friends and family. Are you thriving in life this summer or are you simply surviving? What’s easy to forget is that U.S. women age 50 and older are the healthiest, wealthiest, and most active generation of women in history. (Demographics by Mark Miller) We have more reason than ever to thrive in our lifestyles.

Some of the more common synonyms for thrive include: flourish, bloom, blossom, and prosper. Think about those words and look at different areas of your life:

  • Are you flourishing in your work?
  • Are you blossoming in your friendships?
  • Is your romantic life blooming into a new season?
  • Are you prospering in your health and livelihood?

How you answer those questions can tell a lot about whether you’re thriving or surviving in life. If your answer is simply ‘surviving,’ there’s still hope. Many women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s find themselves in survival mode when it comes to life. Maybe romance didn’t work out as you hoped. Maybe your work is racing headlong into uncertainty. Maybe your friendships have changed and evolved.

What we do know for certain is that if your health is more surviving than thriving, our ReVital care team can help you regain your vivacity. We want to help you recapture your zeal and joy in life to enjoy your best years yet. Click here schedule your next appointment today.

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