When we think of hormonal imbalance, we think of things such as adolescence or pregnancy or menopause. While these events can certainly inspire hormone issues, they aren’t the only events that can do so.
In some cases, a hormonal imbalance will occur spontaneously, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. And because the affected individual is not expecting it, he or she can overlook its existence, allowing it to wreak havoc for years or even decades.
As such, it’s a good idea to know the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance. That way, should one occur, you can do something to combat it.
Curious as to some hormone imbalance symptoms? Then read on. We’re going to discuss 7 of the least-known symptoms below.
1. Acne
Has your face been breaking out more than usual lately? If so, a hormone imbalance could be at the root of the problem.
See, when the hormone androgen becomes dysregulated, the skin pores become clogged. When they’re clogged, they aren’t able to secrete vital body oils. Acne is the end result.
Look not only for acne on your face but on your arms, legs, and back as well. If it’s suddenly appeared everywhere, a hormone imbalance is very likely the culprit.
2. Insomnia
Another sign that you may be suffering from a hormone imbalance is that you have trouble falling asleep at night. Insomnia is highly correlated with the hormone progesterone. The lower a person’s progesterone levels, the more likely he or she is to experience insomnia.
This is why new mothers often have trouble falling asleep after the birth of their children. Giving birth has caused their progesterone levels to plummet exceedingly low.
So, if sleep is suddenly difficult to come by, consider that the state of your hormones could be at play.
3. Fatigue
You’re exhausted in the morning; you’re exhausted in the afternoon; you’re exhausted at night. You’re constantly exhausted and you don’t know why. While there are a number of factors that could be contributing to your fatigue, one of the most likely is a hormone imbalance.
Lack of activity in the thyroid (or hypothyroidism) is a typical culprit when it comes to chronic exhaustion. Note, though, that a range of other problems could be causing your exhaustion as well. These include sleep apnea, overwork, anxiety, and allergies, to name just a few.
4. Weight Fluctuations
Have you recently gained a considerable amount of weight? Maybe your weight plummeted in a short amount of time? In either case, a hormone imbalance could be the problem.
There are a number of different hormones that can lead to weight changes. These include cortisol, estrogen, insulin, testosterone, and thyroid hormones.
Whereas a dysregulation of the former hormones can lead to fat storage in the stomach, a dysregulation of the thyroid hormones can lead to a slowed metabolism. And the slower the metabolism is, the fewer calories the body can burn throughout the day.
So, if you’re experiencing unpreventable weight gain, it’s time to start considering that your hormone levels might be unstable.
5. Extreme Appetite
Another sign of hormone imbalance is extreme appetite. If you find yourself binging on food unexpectedly throughout the day, there’s a good chance that your hormones are to blame.
The two hormones that cause increased appetite are ghrelin and leptin. Whereas leptin causes the appetite to subside after food has been eaten, ghrelin increases the appetite before food has been eaten. So, if either one is dysregulated, it will cause the appetite to increase.
Of course, there are a number of other factors that can lead to increased appetite as well. For instance, anxiety and medication use could cause the appetite to fluctuate.
6. Excessive Perspiration
Everybody sweats. That said, there is such a thing as too much sweating. If you sweat even when you’re sitting in place, your hormones could be the culprit.
This is often seen during menopause, as the flurry of hormones rushing in the body causes the body to overheat. The body then produces perspiration as a means of combatting the overheating, at which point the sweating becomes uncontrollable.
There is no one hormone that leads to perspiration. They all do their part in causing it to overheat and perspire.
7. Stomach Aches
Are you dealing with stomach cramps on a regular basis? Do you find yourself having to go to the bathroom out of nowhere? There’s a chance that hormone dysregulation is at play.
Stomach aches are associated with high levels of estrogen, in particular. High levels of estrogen can lead to stress and anxiety, which can have a physiological effect on the body, leading to stomach aches.
8. Memory Issues
One last symptom to look out for is memory issues. If you’re having trouble focusing and forgetting things periodically throughout the day, your hormones could be to blame.
The hormones that most commonly lead to memory issues are estrogen and cortisol. When the levels of these hormones are low, the brain tends to become foggy and slow. As such, not only does forgetfulness become a problem, but active listening as well.
Of course, there are a variety of other conditions that can lead to memory issues, the most troubling of which are head injuries. But if you haven’t suffered a head injury recently, look into the possibility of a hormone imbalance.
Dealing With Hormone Issues?
Do any of these symptoms look familiar to you? Dealing with hormone issues yourself? If so, you might consider undergoing hormone replacement therapy.
Hormone replacement therapy can help to regulate hormone levels in the body, reducing the symptoms reviewed above and allowing for a higher quality of life overall. Interested? If so and if you’re in the Omaha, Nebraska area, Revital can help.
Contact us today for a free consultation!