
How To Make a Testosterone-Friendly Man Salad That Even Ron Swanson Would Love

NBC’s Parks and Recreation recently concluded its series, which also ended one of the greatest characters in recent sitcom history: Ron Swanson. He is the king of the manly man’s food pyramid, lover of bacon and eggs, and owner of the most fantastic mustache known to Indiana. Ron is the steak whisperer, which is why the idea of eating a salad is heretical, at best.

Although Ron says eating salad is for rabbits, it is a great way to keep your testosterone healthy and strong. Don’t worry though, we created a list of testosterone-boosting ingredients that will let you eat a salad while also keeping your man card.

Ron, prepare to be wowed by the Man Salad.


There’s a reason Popeye got big guns from eating spinach instead of lettuce. Spinach is high in zinc and magnesium, both minerals that help our bodies increase testosterone production. Make your base layer out of fresh spinach. 


Your body needs protein to build more muscle. More muscle equals more testosterone. You also need fats and cholesterol to produce testosterone. (Source) Chunks of beef or bacon are recommended.


If you want an estrogen-evicting convoy for your diet, broccoli is your weapon of choice. Broccoli is loaded with indoles that collect estrogen in your body and give it a quick exit before it can lower your testosterone. If there was a veggie Medal of Honor, broccoli would get my vote.

Olives and olive oil

The Greeks loved olives. Have you ever seen a Greek statue where the guy doesn’t look chiseled? I rest my case. Olives are high in good fats that help your body maintain a healthy testosterone level. Olive oil can also be a good salad dressing if you don’t mind the taste. Olive oil helps your Leydig cells collect cholesterol to make testosterone. The more cholesterol your Leydig cells absorb, the more testosterone gets produced. (Source)


Walnuts, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts- these are your new friends. Use a few sparingly throughout your Man Salad that give you extra cholesterol to fuel your Leydig cells. If you want to sprinkle some hand-crushed walnuts (crushed by your hands, of course) or bacon bits on the top, you might hear angels singing.

For around five or six bucks you can make a great Man Salad that will naturally boost your testosterone. If you’ve tried changing your diet without any noticeable results, you may need testosterone replacement therapy. Fear not, my friend, our Low T St. Louis team created a FREE eBook available here for instant download to help you learn more about our various testosterone treatment methods. This is a great conversation starter for you and your doctor or one of our board-certified staff physicians. Download your FREE eBook right now and schedule your next appointment at Low T St. Louis.

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