Hormonal imbalance is a problem women can’t afford to ignore.
There are various risks that stem from such negligence. You could let serious complications arise, which jeopardize your health and the quality of life.
Another thing to notice right away is hormones, as well as their functions, are as varied as it gets. Uncovering the underlying source of the imbalance can be rather tricky.
Yet, thanks to modern science and methods like hormone imbalance testing, we have a growing body of evidence. We know hormones impact men and women differently. They go through varying development stages over the course of their lives.
So, while you can’t prevent hormones from occasionally going haywire, you can respond properly when that happens. This responsible approach holds the key to mitigating the symptoms and risks. Read on to learn more.
1. The Endocrine System Holds the Reins
Glands and hormones are basic components of the endocrine system.
It represents one of two system governing vital body functions (nervous system being the other). This managerial role entails the coordination of hormone levels.
When the endocrine system functions well, it facilitates the timely release of hormones. Their optimal amounts and ratios promote good health and smooth body functions. These functions range from bone health to the urinary tract.
Imbalance occurs when certain hormones aren’t produced at an optimal level.
In other words, you could be experiencing both a shortage and a surplus of hormones. Let’s say your progesterone level is low. The symptom is trouble falling asleep.
On the other hand, the overflow of the same hormone makes you chronically sleepy.
2. Our Internal Wiring is Imperfect
Each gland and hormone has one particular goal.
For example, ovaries regulate female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone), while thymus controls the adaptive immune system. In general, female hormone imbalance tends to be related to sex hormones. It stems from the changing amount of estrogen and progesterone.
Furthermore, hormone imbalance testing has confirmed hormone levels decline with age.
In particular, there are several moments of life transition to be aware of. The prime examples are menopause and pregnancy. They cause wild fluctuations in hormone levels.
That being said, hormone imbalance can take place at any point in time. Among other things, this is tied to regular menstrual cycles that alter hormone makeup.
3. Symptoms are Telltale Signs
To figure out which hormone is affected, we can observe various symptoms.
The list of general symptoms is long and encompasses:
- Fatigue
- Sudden weight loss/gain
- Uneven heart rate
- Pain during sex
- Muscle weakness and ache
- Hair loss and thinning
- Vaginal dryness and discomfort
- Sexual dysfunction
- Infertility
- Bone loss
- Menstrual cycle changes
- Skin acne and tags
- Mood disorders
- Decreased concentration
- Changed appetite and thirst
The truth is these symptoms can be quite misleading. Shifts in weight are one illustration of how the pendulum can swing both ways. This is to say you should never rely on symptoms and self-diagnosis alone.
4. Hormone Replacement Therapy is Worth Considering
The good news is we have an easy and accessible solution—the hormone replacement therapy.
It’s a proven method for minimizing the aging-related hormone level decrease. It can restore and maintain vigor typically associated with youth.
For example, when menopause sets off uncomfortable symptoms, you can go for estrogen therapy. Most therapies like this one involve hormone pills, injections, or patches. The suitable supplement dosage depends on hormone imbalance test results.
Note that bioidentical hormones come from the lab. As their name suggests, they are a carbon copy of hormones produced in your body. Natural hormones are the second type and they originate from plant and animal sources.
They aren’t the exact match in a way bioidentical supplements are.
5. Hormone Imbalance Testing is a Must
If you suspect something is amiss with your hormones, you should do hormone testing.
The most common type of this is a blood test. It’s used to detect hormones such as cortisol, estrogen, and thyroid. Another simple solution is a saliva test, which can reveal problems with progesterone and testosterone.
It’s best to do these tests every now and then just in case.
Moreover, discuss with your doctor whether you require any hormone-based medication. This option is reserved in case of more severe imbalance causes. For example, genetic disorders warrant prolonged medication therapy.
Finally, if a doctor diagnoses an issue with a particular gland, you could do an ultrasound. It picks up on various issues with your uterus, ovaries, and thyroid.
6. There’s a Natural Way Too
Finally, we come across natural ways of boosting the hormone balance.
Rule number one is to get enough rest and sleep. Secondly, consume plenty of healthy fats, fatty fish, and fiber. Avoid artificial sugars in all shapes and forms.
Manage your weight to avoid being obese, anorexic, or overweight. Ditch bad habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol drinking.
At the same time, find better ways of maintaining your mental health. The focus here is on busting stress and anxiety.
The list of techniques goes on and reminds us of what’s truly important. Namely, a wholesome diet and physical activity are the most powerful tools for achieving a finer balance.
A Healthy Hormone Profile
Women’s body is an intricate system of checks and balances.
Hormones assist in almost every critical function there is. They affect health, well-being, and quality of life. As you’ve seen, there are many different kinds of hormonal imbalances.
The culprits behind them aren’t always obvious. An accurate diagnosis is imperative to getting the right treatment.
So, familiarize yourself with the symptoms of imbalance to figure out which hormone is affected. Stay in tune with the signals your body is emitting. Consider hormone imbalance testing to bring the root of the issue to light.
Beyond that, seek natural solutions that come through your diet and a healthy lifestyle. Steer clear of risks that aggravate imbalance and trigger various complications.
Get in touch with us if you’re in need of our medical expertise. It’s time to bring hormones back on track.