
What do my symptoms mean?

Our hormones help us feel in tune with our bodies. They work in harmony with each other to maintain our sense of well-being and energy. When our bodies produce too much or too little of specific hormones, it can create a compounding effect on how we feel and think about ourselves.

Hormonal imbalances can affect women of all ages and each of us experience different symptoms when our hormones are imbalanced. There are several symptoms that appear when your hormones are out of balance, such as:


  • Vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse
  • Nervousness
  • Tender/Fibrocystic breasts
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibrosis
  • Thinning of head hair
  • Excess facial or body hair
  • Heavy/painful/irregular periods
  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
  • Acne
  • Decreased or loss of fertility
  • PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
  • Increased urinary tract infections


Our diets, lifestyle decisions, and genetics can play a significant role in what symptoms we each experience and how severely we experience them during hormonal imbalances. Thankfully, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT as it’s sometimes called, can be an excellent solution to consider. Our ReVital care team works with women of all backgrounds and ages to reclaim their vibrancy. We don’t believe a “one-size-fits-all” approach is effective, which is why we take the time to get to know you first.

We created a FREE eBook about BHRT available for immediate download here. This information can help you learn more about the potential benefits of hormone replacement therapy. It can help you determine whether hormone replacement therapy may be right for you. Download your FREE eBook and schedule your next appointment today. While each of us is unique in our hormonal balance, we value the opportunity to understand what your body needs and how we can best serve you.


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